“I Think It’s Good Censorship.” Elephant Digest Vol.6



Welcome to the Elephant Digest vol.6, an email newsletter bringing you interesting and important stories about China.

 Today’s newsletter is curated by: Biyi




Happy Weekend Beautiful People!

It’s been a rather chaotic week here in Beijing. So much talking and so little people are listening, sometimes all you want to do is to Shhh the whole world and yourself, especially.

Anyway, life continues.

Before We Start…

Last week in Elephant room

1.Let’s start with sex.

  • What does China’s “90-after” college students think about sex?

-68.81% of female students say they’ve never watched porn.
-42.9% of the surveyed college students they’ve been in relationship for only once.
-89.5% of them declare to be heterosexual.

-35.1 % of college students admit they’ve been previously sexually harassed or abused in some ways.

-31.3% of female students think it is important to save their “first night” until marriage, while 12% of male students think so.

Source Language: Chinese
Reading Effort Level: 3
(From 1 to 5, based on linguistic style and analytical depth of the article)

2. From sex to food.

-Thanks to Starbucks, McDonald’s, KFC and convenience stores, China’s urban working class are now fed with more breakfast options, and are willing to spend more on their first meal of the day.

-In fact, according to estimation, China’s total consumption of breakfast food will increase from 1.3 trillion yuan in 2015 to almost 2 trillion in 2021

-Despite increasing options however, the majority of Chinese working class still prefer traditional Chinese food when it comes to breakfast. Steamed Baozi is much more popular than cold bread, and porridge is for sure preferred over coffee or tea.

Source Language: Chinese
Reading Effort Level: 3.5

3. Now to something more serious…

  • Chinese are really, really reserved when it comes to expressing love to their families, especially to parents. But how exactly? 

According to this survey-

-78.1% of male and 64.7% of female respondents admit they’ve never directly expressed gratitude through words such as  “I love you” or “Thank you, you worked hard”  to their parents.
-65.9% of respondents say they talk to their parents for less than 10 minutes every time on the phone.
-Over 25% of respondents cannot remember one or both parents’ birthday.
-28.1% of children believe they don’t really understand their parents’ worries.
-20.2% of people have blocked their parents from accessing their social feeds. (mainly WeChat Moments)

Source Language: Chinese
Reading Effort Level: 3


A Video 

Please, spend 5 minutes to watch the above video and tell me if you are as confused as I am right now…

An Image


A Recommendation 

<Chinese Students on the Road, 2001-2016>, Photography series
(Phenix Picture)

A Phrase

Hope you enjoyed today’s Elephant Digest
Do you have any suggestions? What other Chinese stories do you want to see? Please please interact through whatever channels you fancy as below:
Twitter: @elephantroomCN
微信公众号: 大象屋ElephantRoom
Email: biyi@elephant-room.com

Thank you and see you next time:)





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