We are officially moving to Substack.
Update from a New Dynasty
Elephant Room is back.
When China’s Cinemas Have No More Films
“How can you shoot something you don’t believe in?”
Revisiting Beijing’s Marriage Markets
“Her son is a Phd and she’s looking for him a virgin.”
Life as Life | The Newsletter
Hi dear friends, Just to let you know we recently wrote a new newsletter issue.…
Alive and __
Hey there, our old friends.
When Sponsors Become Daddies (金主爸爸) : a Look Into China’s Entertainment Industry
Perhaps we are driven by a positive engine or perhaps we are free falling but we don’t know.
Countryside Feminism: an Intricate Stereotype of China’s Antagonistic Females
Every perpetrator is also a victim.
The Stories We Are Afraid to Tell
On sweeping nationalism and discrimination that are hurting us all.
The Journey to Reopening: Real Stories from Chinese Business Owners
Life will be difficult, but life goes on.